8 Cancelled Video Game Movies That Would Have Changed Everything

6. Halo

Master Chief Halo

Microsoft really wanted to make a Halo movie back in 2005, and if it had been successful, the world could have had Avatar four years early, with more guns and explosions and fewer blue things running around.

The Xbox platform holder was deadly serious about bringing Master Chief to the big screen and it was aggressive in its efforts to partner with a studio to make it happen.

After most of the major players dropped out due to the Big M's hefty financial demands, Fox and Universal partnered on the project, Peter Jackson was tapped as producer and Neill Blomkamp signed on to direct.

If ever there was a video game adaptation with the potential to change the medium's fortunes on the big screen, Halo was it. With its cinematic flare, epic set pieces and fleshed-out lore, the Bungie-developed shooter was an epic blockbuster waiting to happen - so what went wrong?

Microsoft is what went wrong. The computing giant was incapable of speaking the Hollywood lingo from day one and financial disagreements with the studios and creative bickering with Blomkamp and Jackson eventually derailed the adaptation.

That was in the mid-2000s, and the closest thing the fans have had to a Halo movie since is the 2012 live-action miniseries Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn.

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Been prattling on about gaming, movies, TV, football and technology across the web for as long as I can remember. Find me on Twitter @MarkLangshaw