8 Classic Star Wars Games You Have To Check Out

2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)

SW7 If ever you doubted the calibre of BioWare - though, as the creators of both Mass Effect and Dragon Age, why would you? - then harken your memories back to 2003; to the heights of the Old Republic. Commonly perceived by many as the definitive template from which all Star Wars games should draw, Knights of the Old Republic was lauded by just about everybody who played it. The game itself allowed the player to assume the role of a jedi in the Old Republic - a period that occurs 4,000 years prior to the events of the films. Following in the mould of, amongst others, the Final Fantasy series, game play was round-based and consisted of a party of up to three. Without revealing too much, the fact that the game won countless 'Game of the Year' titles - chief of which was the BAFTA for 'Xbox Game of the Year' - speaks volumes of its quality. Although a sequel was released, it was done so under the supervision of Obsidian. Whilst the response to the game was favourable, fans of the series have since been left craving a return from BioWare. Unfortunately, as the years pass by, that scenario looks less and less likely. However, infamous money-grabbers, EA - the current owners of BioWare - know a trend when they see one. If the next wave of Star Wars films proves a success, then expect a third expedition into the Old Republic to become a reality.
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Aspiring film journalist, currently studying English at The University of Sheffield. When I'm not busy devoting my day to home cinema and retro gaming, I'll usually be found confined to my laptop; scouring the pages of IMDb for the latest updates on the silver screen.