8 Coolest Things Gaming Doesn’t Do Anymore

7. Split-Screen And Couch Co-Op

time crisis point blank
343 Industries

The advent of the internet changed everything. Without it, we all couldn't have the same exact experience of being tea-bagged by a 17-year old Call of Duty player with anger issues and a potty-mouth.

This aside, online gaming is wonderful because it's a way for us to meet and socialise with players over the globe. However, it certainly isn't the same as the energy of your friends gathered around a single system sharing pizza, laughs and accusations of screen-looking.

Now, such a thing isn't totally gone. After all, It Takes Two was built on couch co-op and dominated the video game awards season in 2021 and 2022, proving the hunger people still have for it. However, the expectation of such things in almost every game has been largely forgotten.

Every gamer of a certain vintage has memories of split-screen shooting on the likes of Goldeneye and TimeSplitters, and in particular Halo. The last of which, whilst was a driving force in Xbox opening up the online services of the console, managed to keep split-screen play all throughout it's Xbox 360 life. But recent games - like Halo 5 and Infinite - have been totally, and tellingly, absent of the feature.

Hanging out with friends and struck by the desire to play this game together? Better all go home and get online then. Seems a bit backwards, doesn't it?


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.