8 Crazy Pokemon Fan Theories That Are DEFINITELY True

7. Lorelei & Will Are The Same Person

Pokemon Ash

The theory that suggests Elite 4 members Lorelei and Will are the same person has evidence for and against it. For, there’s the fact they battle in the same room, but that’s hardly compelling. Giovanni is not Blue, after all. There’s also the fact they share similar teams, both featuring Jynx and Slowbro.

A coincidence, but not really enough.

Okay, so let’s look at their appearance. Both wear similar clothing with the same palette, both have hair that switches between red and purple and Will even covers up his face.

The big point against, as you might already be thinking, is that they’re different genders. But believe it or not, there is a canonically trans character. One of the NPCs in X/Y tells you she used to be a Black Belt (exclusively male) before ‘medical science’. Now that we know this is possible in the Pokémon world, there are ways to consider Lorelei and Will as one and the same.

Some versions of this theory suggests that Lorelei is a man, but given Will’s feminine stance, covering of the face (dysphoria?) and Lorelei’s confidence, it’s more likely that if this theory is true, Lorelei is actually a transgender woman.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)