8 Crippling Flaws In Popular Video Game Consoles

2. Joy-Con Literally De-Syncs If Anything Is In The Way - Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch Joy Con

The Switch is just about the most loveable machine Nintendo have built since the SNES, but it wasn't without fault.

Centred on the left Joy-Con, on every launch model of the console if your finger so much as goes anywhere near the top of the controller - which it will, to hit a shoulder button - it will de-sync. Annoyingly, the Switch keeps doing whatever the last entered input was - cue Link walking off cliffs or any myriad of precise platformers being made unplayable.

Even a particularly cloudy glass of fruit juice could cause the Joy-Con to lose sight of the Switch, but Nintendo's response was initially terrible. First they said the amount of broken Joy-Cons was not a "significant" number, then released some "tips" on how to avoid the issue, including not operating it "near an aquarium" (yes, really)

Finally they implemented a free replacement/augmentation service. Though it wasn't anywhere near as widespread or advertised as that of the 360, there was finally a way for consumers to get new Joy-Cons.

Much better.

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