8 Dead EA Video Game Franchises That Deserve A Comeback

4. Command & Conquer


In none other than Command & Conquer is EA's incessant need to try and fix what isn't broken more apparent. From 2010 onwards, the series, once synonymous with the RTS genre, has been on a downward spiral into obscurity due to its publisher's unsolicited attempts to reinvent the wheel.

Command & Conquer 4's disposal of traditional base-building in favour of a pseudo-MOBA framework, Generals 2's ill-received intention of asking players for money to unlock content and, of course, last year's Rivals mobile game have proven, time and time again, that EA hasn't the faintest idea how to do Westwood's iconic creation justice. Dumbfounding, given the ever-so-simple solution: just make a Command & Conquer game.

Don't insult the series' grassroots PC fans with a watered-down mobile spin-off. Don't try and monetize the living daylights out of content already in the game and don't try to straddle multiple genres to widen appeal. Bring back base building, strategic resource management and in-game progression that rewards the better player with the satisfaction of wiping an opponents base off the face of the Earth with an army of unparalleled militaristic might.

Do that, EA, and you might find yourself the proud owner of a well-received C&C title.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.