8 Disastrous Console Upgrades The PS4.5 Must Learn From
SNK's Neo Geo was best known for its arcade cabinets that played host to classic games like Metal Slug and King of Fighters, but their entry into the home console market in 1990 also showed some promise. The Neo Geo AES was easily the most powerful games console at the time of its released, but that wasn't enough to overcome its outrageous $650 price tag and games that could cost upwards of $200.
The Neo Geo CD was to be the solution. Released in 1994, it was exactly the same console on the inside as the AES, but used the CD format to keep down the cost of games.
It wasn't too well thought out however, with games suffering from horrendous loading times and the console being well on the dated side by the time it launched, which was around the same time as the vastly superior PlayStation.
What the PS4.5 can learn:
Make the console considerably more powerful than its predecessor, otherwise it's prone to looking outdated very, very quickly.