8 Essential Video Games To Get You Into A New Genre

7. Splatoon - Shooter

mario rabbid

Shooters can be offputting to players who don't necessarily want to spend hours immersing themselves in ultra-violent, sludgy-grey military fetishism, but not all shooters are built with the same deference towards testosterone-soaked action.

Enter Splatoon, which is basically the antithesis of all those gory, self-serious shooty games. 

Rather, Splatoon is all about using weapons to cover as much of the map as possible with ink, and of course, fire said ink at the opposing team.

It goes without saying that Splatoon is a great shooter for kids given its family-friendly nature, but also for anyone craving a gun game with bright colours that doesn't wallow in human suffering. 

As starting points for the genre go, it's tough to think of a better one, and even if you're not one for multiplayer, the campaigns across the Splatoon trilogy are a surprising ton of fun too.

But just because it's more adorable than 99.9% of shooters out there, that doesn't mean you won't rage any less when you get got.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.