8 Essential Video Games To Get You Into A New Genre

1. Rocket League - Sports/Racing

mario rabbid

And finally we have Rocket League, which can onboard you onto two separate genres for the price of one. Fancy that.

The brilliance of this deliriously entertaining car football game is that it's primed to appeal to both fans of racing games and football/sports games. But more importantly, it's also tailored to those who've never played either.

While a fundamentally silly mash-up of racer and footy game, Rocket League is a fluid, mechanically tight experience, and yet one that's incredibly easy for even the most novice of players to pick up and enjoy.

For anyone intimidated by competitive online sports titles or the technical nitty gritty of simulation racers, Rocket League is the perfect leaping-on point - a peerlessly addictive rendition of a wacky concept, and one that's still going strong almost an entire decade since launch.

And better yet, if you've still got any lingering doubts about opening your wallet to give it a try, fear not - it's now free-to-play, so go nuts.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.