8 Exact Moments We Knew Video Game Characters Were Doomed To Die
7. Mordin Enters The Elevator - Mass Effect 3

Mordin has one of the most satisfying arcs in the Mass Effect trilogy. A leading scientist in the genophage program, which originally stopped a destructive Krogan army from accidentally destroying the whole galaxy via sterilising the entire species, the Salarian scientist always struggled with the ramifications of his contributions.
He helped keep the genophage active when the Krogan began to develop an immunity to it, but wondered whether what he did was right. This is expanded upon in the third game, where a cure for the genophage is actually in sight, and Commander Shepard is ultimately the one to decide whether to disperse it or sabotage and stop it.
No matter what you do, Mordin is hell bent on the former option, even when the building where the cure needs to be administered is on the verge of being destroyed.
If you do choose to help him cure the genophage (which most players did), Mordin will say only he can do it, as anyone else might get it wrong.
He and you both know that going to the top of the building to do this is a death sentence, and once he tells Shepard it can only be him, you know he has no intention of coming back.