8 Famous Video Game Characters Created By Accident

6. Dark Pit - Kid Icarus: Uprising

Jumpman Donkey Kong

Often, an important character in a video game will eventually come across a darkened or corrupted version of themselves, and most likely be locked in an endless battle with them from that point on. Nintendo characters are particularly known for this, which is why it's surprising that the protagonist of Kid Icarus, Pit, had his evil doppelgänger come pretty late to the party.

Dark Pit is an imperfect clone of Pit, and the two battle it out numerous times in 2013's Kid Icarus: Uprising. The character is identical to Pit aside from the fact that his hair, wings, and robes are all a deep black colour.

While this design choice might just seem like a no-brainer anyway, Dark Pit's look is actually taken from an alternate skin for the real Pit in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which features the character decked out in black as opposed to his usual angelic white.

Essentially, Nintendo created the character before they even knew they had! Gotta give them credit for being ahead of even their own curve.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.