8 Fantastic Fourth Wall Breaks That Blew Gamers Minds

5. Batman: Arkham Asylum €“ The Game Crash and Middle Stick

Batman Rocksteady pulled one hell of a surprise with Arkham Asylum. When it was first announced, nobody was too thrilled €“ though Spiderman 2 was not too far into the distant memory, we€™d all seen too many superhero flops to get the bunting out. Even when promises of comic-book fidelity and gothic themes came through, we weren€™t too amazed. But then it came out, and we found it wasn€™t just good, it was great, and confident enough to mess the player around too. In hindsight, I guess it was an obvious move €“ the element of the Arkham Asylum itself, Scarecrow and Bruce Wayne€™s childhood trauma obviously necessitated going off the rails somehow, but I don€™t think anyone expected the Britain-based studio to go quite as nuts as they did. Namely, whenever Scarecrow came up, the game pulled a fast one on you, but it€™s only in the later encounters that you see how inventive the whole thing gets, with the whole thing actually faking a mid-game crash and restart just to screw with the player. It was stupendously twisted and glorious to boot €“ we re-enacted the opening cinematic, but with Batman playing the nutcase before the coup de grace €“ Batman actually gets killed by the Joker in a feat of fourth-wall-breaking brilliance. We€™re told to use the middle stick you to dodge Joker€™s gunshot, but obviously, that doesn€™t exist €“ what€™s actually happening is that Scarecrow is using the game€™s mechanics against you, first forcing the rest before launching a fake death-restart screen. It€™s a tremendously bold move from a greenhorn developer (they€™d only done awesome-but-functional shooter Urban Chaos before this), and you can tell there€™s a Kojima influence in there somewhere.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.