8 Game Overs That Made You Say "WHAT?!"
6. Goodbye Cruel Park - Theme Park
I don't think I've ever witnessed a Game Over as bleak and unfitting as that presented in Theme Park.
To be honest for the longest time I didn't even know you could get a Game Over in this game and thought that the experience was all about having a good time and maybe, sometimes sending people to their deaths with rollercoasters that launch them into the stratosphere.
What? I was raised on The Sims, I've been bred to kill video game characters in weird ways!
Still, if you do manage to screw things up royal then you cant be witness to one of the most disturbing endings possible, which sees the owner of the Park basically do a Denholm from the IT Crowd and leap to their death! The game tries to play it for "laughs" by showing that the park owner then appears back onto the window sill, but the Funeral March being played, the grim atmosphere, and the fact this all happens in the reflection of a picture of the owners family is all a little....much.
Death by suicide being used for a joke in a game of this nature? What were they thinking?!