8 Games That Scare You With Lies

7. It's A Horror Game (But It Isn't) - Gone Home

Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice
The Fullbright Company

The genius of indie exploration game Gone Home is that developers The Fullbright Company released it without much wider context, letting players freely assume that a game about exploring an empty, ornate house just had to belong to the horror genre, right?

All the same, Fullbright never once confirmed this, and so, any players who went into the game quasi-blind quickly worked themselves into an anxious frenzy from the game's opening moments onward.

There's a distinct eeriness to the quiet and calm throughout Gone Home which evidently led many players to anticipate a more full-throated genre shift at some point, but alas, it never happens.

There aren't any ghosts or monsters to be found throughout the entire experience - it's simply a non-linear exploration game that happens to take place in an environment typically reserved for the horror genre.

Though this left some players undeniably disappointed, it's tough to call it a tacky bait-and-switch on the part of Fullbright, who didn't so much lie about the true nature of their game as fail to correct those who got the wrong idea.

All the same, they almost certainly knew exactly what they were doing, leaving us all thoroughly creeped-the-hell-out in the process.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.