8 Gaming Moments Where You KNEW You Were Going To Cry
7. James' Final Sacrifice - Fallout 3

Much of Fallout 3's storyline can be summarised into the player searching around an irradiated wasteland in pursuit of their father, James. During the very first glimpses of gameplay, it is revealed that the player's mother had died during childbirth and that James had been forced to raise the Lone Wanderer by himself.
However, after the player turns 18, James seemingly decides that his work is done, and escapes the vault in which you live in an attempt to use his scientific talents to improve the outside world.
Ultimately the Lone Wanderer reunites with James, and learns that he is working on a project known as Purity to restore drinking water to the wasteland. While James' intentions are good, he has a habit of getting himself caught in sticky situations so while it's not exactly surprising, it's no less emotional seeing him make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that Project Purity doesn't fall into the hands of the nefarious enclave.