8 Greatest Video Game Second Chances

6. Legacy Of Goku 2

Dead island 2
Webfoot Technologies

When is an RPG not an RPG?

When it's Legacy Of Goku, a video game released for the Game Boy Advance in 2002 that pertained to carry the RPG title yet delivered an experience so aneamic that fans were left questioning why they were being hamstrung so viciously.

If you wanted as close to a one-to-one delivery of the manga franchise's most famous moments without any of the suspense, excitement, or challenge this is the very strange game for your very strange request, as LOG really was a bit of a floater in the punchbowl. Hilariously most reviews of the game stop their praise at the graphics because there really isn't even that much to comment on after this point, yet I don't think the fanbase found this quite so funny.

Yet fret not friends, as a Senzu bean was chucked towards the series in the form of Legacy Of Goku 2 which improved on every single criticism and then some, delivering a brand new art style, a more action-oriented focus and a monstrous amount of content that gave fans plenty to fight through. Ideally, this is what LOG 1 should have been, and it's a shame that the series had to skirt utter obliteration to realize that it needed to deliver fans legitimately good content, yet I'll take any chance to punch Cell in any of his smug faces so thank you very much Webfoot for making this.

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Dead Island 2
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