8 Horrific Things Detroit: Become Human Makes You Do

2. Leave Your Friends To Escape The Country

Once things go west in Detroit's final act, it's every man for themselves. In the case of Kara's story, as she attempts to smuggle Alice out the country without being caught and killed, that means potentially not intervening when your friends are being rounded up by troops.

Sneaking around cars and trying to avoid being detected by soldiers, at multiple points you're given the option of helping fellow androids being rounded up, including one of your most trusted companions, Luther. Of course, soldiers are everywhere, and attempting to save their life would almost certainly put you and Alice in danger of being overwhelmed right on the cusp of a grand escape.

Consequently, you can just leave these people - some of which have risked life and limb to help you countless times - to die, while you hide in the shadows and use their deaths as a distraction. Brutal? Yes, but you've come too far to jeopardise Alice's life now, and anyway, there's probably too many guards to take on, right? Yeah, keep telling yourself that.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3