8 Iconic Moments From Each Era Of Games

4. Lance Vance's Betrayal - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Final Fantasy 7 VII Aeris

The sixth generation of gaming is a favourite for many players, and so picking just one epoch-defining moment sure wasn't easy. 

But given the tectonic impact that Grand Theft Auto has had on gaming and pop-culture as a whole, could any other franchise really take this spot?

And though the series has had its fair share of unforgettable, jaw-dropping moments over the years, has any made our collective blood boil quite like Lance Vance's heel turn in GTA: Vice City?

Vance was the Tubbs to our Crockett in Vice City's Miami Vice-inspired world, and though his bromantic chemistry with protagonist Tommy Vercetti resulted in many of the early game's most memorable moments, it paled in comparison to Lance's betrayal of Tommy in the final story mission, "Keep Your Friends Close."

Lance sells you out to better his own interests - a genuinely shocking reveal that leads to quite the satisfying payoff when you get to ventilate him with bullets on the roof of your lush mansion. No more dancing for Lance Vance indeed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.