8 Incredible Video Game Mechanics You’ll Never Get To Play

2. A Proper Civil War - Skyrim

Skyrim battle

Skyrim has its problems. Most of its content is surface level, with many quests being a variant on "go hit a random thing until it falls down" - all of which makes reading about Bethesda's planned Civil War questline incredibly disappointing.

The quest would have been far more interactive, with the player actively leading sieges against different forts and cities. You'd be responsible for planning where and how you would attack, with the mission becoming so much more like an actual war.

Not to mention the fact that the enemy force would retaliate. Your own forts would be attacked and it would be possible to lose assets you'd captured. Most interestingly of all, there would be an actual fail state in which the capital of your chosen side would be lost to the enemy, and you'd lose the questline.

This is the kind of thing that would have made Skyrim a lot more engaging. Waging a war just sounds brilliant and when compared to the pretty quick story beat we got, it's a real shame it was axed. At least there's always mods.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.