8 Most Incredibly Terrible Attempts At Voice Acting In Video Games
4. The British Japanese Forbidden Siren
Immersion is the keystone of horror games. If you're not invested in the scenario the developers are building, then it's going to be difficult to appreciate the atmosphere of the game's supposedly harrowing world. Which is a bit like being a Tory MP and attempting to care for the peasants you rule over. The survival horror game Forbidden Siren essentially made immersion into a gameplay feature by literally letting you into the mind of your enemies. This attempt at creating a truly gripping atmosphere was noteworthy, but ultimately scuppered by the game's utterly incongruous voice acting. Sure, Project Siren wants the player to feel like they're trapped in this nightmarish village of undead abominations, but it's incredibly hard to do that when all the native Japanese characters sound like the cast of Oliver Twist. It's not even a case of Sean Connery syndrome, but rather that the developers chose the most inappropriately sounding voice actors they could. I'll actually take back the deriding remarks from earlier, it does add an extra dimension to the game the player ends up spending their time watching out for the inevitable chimney sweep ghost.
Ashley Bailey writes critical reviews in the manner of an angry, judgmental 70 year old writing into TV Guide. He is also the former editor a small metal and rock webzine.
In his spare time, he is a self confessed Steam addict: so much so, in fact, he is literally willing to write for food, having spent his money on their lovely, lovely sales.