8 Ingenious Villain Foreshadowings In Video Games

3. G-Man Cameos - Half-Life

Half life g man

The world of gaming has seen its fair share of mysterious godlike characters, that's for certain. But out of all of them, not many have proven simultaneously as interesting and as unexplainable as Half-Life's otherworldly observer, the G-Man.

Having 'employed' Gordon Freeman to play a major role in coming events, the G-Man makes his presence known a lot more deliberately in Half-Life 2. However, 20 years earlier, the original Half-Life did not initially pin the cause of the Black Mesa incident on the supernatural.

Or did it?

If you're the type of player who explores every square inch of the game environment, you may have spotted a mysterious suited man with a briefcase in seemingly random locations all over the game. A lot are blink-and-you'll-miss, while others require you to be in the right place at just the right time. Can you find all of these secret G-Man cameos?

Even if you've just seen a few, though, it's obvious there's more to this person than you might originally think. Will we ever really know just who or what this intriguing entity is?

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Half Life
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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.