8 Ingenious Villain Foreshadowings In Video Games

1. Dormin's Corruption - Shadow Of The Colossus

Half life g man
Team ICO

There is SO much more depth to Shadow of the Colossus than most first-time players probably realise. The game world is so sparsely populated and your motives for striking down its only inhabitants are unbelievably vague. But everything happens the way it does for a reason, and the roots of the game's main antagonist run way deeper than you think.

Under the guidance of the mysterious Dormin, Wander travels all throughout the Forbidden Lands to find and slay 16 increasingly elaborate colossi. Each time one of these beasts meets its end, a mess of tendrils flies out of its body and ensnares Wander before he can exit the area.

He then wakes up back at the temple, and the more this happens, the more gaunt and haggard he begins to look.

Unbeknownst to him, this is Dormin's doing. The colossi are, in actuality, fragments of Dormin that were sealed away in a bygone age, and with each colossus that Wander brings down, the evil entity is becoming stronger and stronger.

Naturally, this grand reveal only comes at the end, but the level of foreshadowing that goes into it up until that point is staggering once you know about it. As if you didn't feel bad enough already about murdering all those innocent creatures...

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.