8 Insane Inventions Ripped Straight From Video Games

6. Medi Gun - Team Fortress 2

Super Mario Sunshine

Team Fortress 2's Medi Gun is a damn miracle of a weapon, allowing a medic to aim it at a wounded friendly player and heal them.

Now, there are obvious limitations to how this tech could be replicated in reality, but back in 2011, National Geographic reported on a similar tool called the Skin Gun, which can take the stem cells from an injured person's body - in this case a burn victim - and spray it onto their injured skin, healing it in a mere matter of days.

Given that conventional skin grafts can take months to fully heal, it's an astonishing step up, even if it's not quite as instantaneous as the Medi Gun's ability to heal a fellow player in a few seconds.

Despite the Skin Gun's extremely impressive, even miraculous ability to heal burns, however, word has gone curiously quiet on it in recent years. All the same, it's as close to a real-life Medi Gun as we've got for now.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.