8 Insane Things Video Games Asked Us To Do

7. Prey - Hack Someone's Emails Instead Of Running From Demonic Lifeforms

Prey Emails
Arkane Studios

Prey is an enjoyable romp through Alien-like sci-fi that comes from the creators of the cherished Dishonored series.

Arkane Studios did a wonderful job with the series reboot, and they're far from the only ones to blame for this familiar trope, but one can't deny that Prey relies on gamers ignoring fear in favour of being a creep who likes reading everyone's emails.

Being chased down by a fearsome Phantom who wants to decorate the nearest wall with your brain goo and move onto it's next victim? Not to worry, because Bianca Goodwin may have been setting up a glorified game of Laser Tag with fellow employees, and you need to know all about it.

In Prey, you're actively encouraged to dig around other people's computers as much as possible. This becomes even more creepy when realising that Morgan Yu (the player-controlled character) was a boss to many of the people he or she is sleuthing on. Never mind that flesh-eating abomination - there are Macs to hack damn it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.