8 INSANELY Evil Choices You Can Make In Fallout

4. Helping Malcolm In Far Harbour - Fallout 4

Fallout child killer

Helping people is par for the course in Fallout as there are many, MANY people that need a hand. However before you roll up your sleeves and pitch in, maybe let's take a closer look at the quest givers motives, as while Malcom here sure does look like a fellow in need, his motives are utterly disgusting.

You see, he's a cannibal.

Technically he's a cannibal who's gone utterly mad after exposure to The Fog in Far Harbour, but his request will clear any fog of doubt that you will have of him being a good person, as he wants you to help him lure people into the mist so that he can kill and then eat them.

All because apparently the settlers on their way to this location are trespassing on his territory. Now remember that the tresspassers in this case are those who are looking to establish a better life for themselves in already challenging conditions, many of which are desperate enough to leave the relative safety of the central harbour town in the first place.

Yet you can, for a handful of caps, turn the remainder of their lives into a horror movie as a cannibal stalks them from the mist and devours them.

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Fallout 2
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