8 INSANELY Evil Choices You Can Make In Fallout

2. Becoming The Child-Killer - Fallout 2

Fallout child killer

Sometimes there is nothing more evil than simply destroying innocence and you can't get more on the nose about the subject than by literally killing children in Fallout 1 and 2.

Once Bethesda took the reigns offing the little sprogs was out, no matter how annoying they made the Jarl's kids in Skyrim, because I think it goes without saying CHILD KILLING IS A BAD THING.

However back in days of Fallout 1 and 2 the gallows humor of being able to do such a terrible act was present in the game and the title even "rewards" the player with the "Child-Killer" perk which makes everyone hate you and even bounty hunters now randomly appearing to hunt you down.

Even if you manage to outlast the cloud of bullets and plasma fire heading your way, buying supplies and ammo will cost you greatly as now vendors will have increased prices and persuasion checks are now 30% harder because, again, you are a child murderer and everyone hates you.

The game even has this as part of the perks description "You evil, evil person"

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Fallout 2
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