8 Miscast Video Game Movie Roles That Ruined Great Characters

6. Timothy Olyphant - Agent 47

Hitman Timothy Olyphant
IO Interactive

Just look at him.

There's a key different between someone who looks good bald and someone who looks like they're waiting for their hair to grow back.

Timothy Olyphant is in every respect a member of the latter camp, as besides being too young and fresh-faced for the role, his 'take' on Agent 47 was to essentially furrow his brow and really look serious, hoping the occasional fight scene or shootout would be enough.

Such an approach might have worked - though the slap-headed psycho we know is always up for chatting to helping-hand Diana or the various people he's tricking on any given mission - if Olyphant had a clue what he was doing in the role.

Almost feeling like the cliff notes version of our favourite hitman acquired on the way to set, Olyphant's 47 was certainly dressed appropriately, but the praise ended there.

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