8 Monumental Video Game Plot Twists Nobody Saw Coming – Commenter Edition

5. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

InFamous Cole MacGrath
Kojima Productions

The grand finale to a series so renowned for its convoluted plotlines promised to bring everything together to form a complete picture. All the gaps that had been left over 20 years of storytelling were set to be filled in.

That was what we thought, anyway. As it turned out, we were taken for fools as soon as we started a new game. Following on from the events of Ground Zeroes, Big Boss and his army are attacked by the big bad and his cronies and caught up in a catastrophic helicopter crash.

From that moment on, and the entirety of The Phantom Pain, we’re led to believe we’re playing as a disfigured Big Boss on the road to revenge against his enemies. How gullible we were. The ending reveals that we aren’t Big Boss at all, we are in fact a nameless medic who had been riding on the same helicopter when it crashed.

Our deeds in The Phantom Pain are nothing more than a decoy while Big Boss is off doing something far more important. To top it all off, it’s revealed the real Big Boss was giving us the full moon during the entire opening sequence... Thanks Kojima.

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Simon Ostler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.