8 MORE Video Game Anti-Piracy Measures That Were Total Genius
5. The Sims 4 - Pixelation

Pixelation and The Sims go together like bees and, er, beeswax. Any long term gamer with a soft spot for The Sims will see pixelation every time their little ants go to the toilet or use the shower. However, if you pirated the game, you’re gonna see a LOT more, and that’s because even after your sprites have gone for a spritz they will STAY PIXELATED.
Now that might not sound like a terrible thing at first - after all, we live in a world of 8 bit love and throw back gaming graphics - but the pixelation grows and grows and grows until all you can see is a full screen of derezzed depression. Welcome to the visual wasteland where Pixel A, which might be a person, moves over to Pixel B, which could be it’s baby or a plant. Or a bin. It’s a horrifying world in which only pirates can live and it’s hilariously awful. Insert joke about EA punishing pirates while being scumbags here.