8 MORE Video Games Critics Hated (But Players LOVED)

5. Postal 2

God Hand
Running With Scissors

Postal. Is that enough? I assume saying Postal in a video game context is enough to explain why players who are looking for general ratbaggy fun might rate this higher than those who critique the medium for a living but let’s get into it anyway.

That’s not to say critics don’t value general ratbaggy fun but Postal with its peeing on people, unaliving innocents, and sticking a cat on the end of your gun to use as a silencer, is inevitably a divisive little offering. While the first Postal game scored a 56 from critics on Metacritic and a 6.8 from users which is fairly similar, Postal 2 dipped in its critic score down to 50 but players were like “Oh, yeah, they got it right this time” landing it on an 8.1. This is backed up by a 10/10 Steam rating and pretty glowing player feedback across the board.

Players loved the game for its dark humour, weapon variety, wild degree of freedom, and raw rampaging fun.

Conversely, many critics just didn’t see the joy in the mayhem, calling it everything from offensive and crude, to fundamentally technically busted with uninspiring mechanics. Ultimately, Postal 2 is probably the game all of us would have made when we were ten and the fact that Running With Scissors put it on shelves makes it not at all surprising the game proved to be such a hit.

Also, some people call it Florida Simulator and that’s just funny.

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God Hand
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.