8 More Video Games That KNEW You'd Try To Cheat

5. Branded As A Thief - Legend Of Zelda:

The Stanley Parable serious room

When it comes to getting one over your fellow man, stealing is as good as cheating, as you're nabbing something that's not yours and operating outside of the capitalist machine. What would Andrew Ryan say, eh? Now be a good little consumer and put it back, after all, you wouldn't want to be branded a thief would you?

This is the exact situation that sticky-fingered felons will find themselves in should they try and swipe something from the shopkeeper in Link's Awakening, as if you were to lift an item and carry it out of the shop with you, the game will make note of your ill-gotten gains and from that point on will brand you as a Thief!

Everyone you meet will greet you as "Thief" and your shame will grow with each encounter. However, maybe we should try again? After all, we got this item for free and in for a penny in for a pound and all that! Let's rob this joint!

However that's exactly what Nintendo saw coming, as should you step foot inside the shop once more, the owner will literally electrocute you to death! Ouch!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.