8 More Video Games That Totally Wasted Their Biggest Selling Point

6. The Dark Zone - The Division

the division

Look, there's no denying that a lot of what was promised in the early trailers for The Division didn't make it into the final release. Entire areas of the map changed, graphics were altered and the story itself seemed to go through radical revisions, but the idea of playing in a huge dystopian sandbox with other players, risking your supplies against real-life enemies, always remained.

And that experience was certainly present in the final game, but it was its own separate beast, isolated from the rest of the gameplay. PVP was only possible in the Dark Zone, which had its own currency system, loot, and styles of gameplay. There was some crossover with this area in the rest of the title, but it wasn't a cohesive, seamless experience.

Consequently, there was no way for other players to get the drop on you, or any sort of PVP element unless you really wanted to seek it out. While some players might have preferred that, it made The Division feel like any other shared-world shooter on the market, rather than the tense, post-apocalyptic experience it was sold as.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3