8 Most Confusing Video Game Endings Nobody Understands

7. L.A. Noire

LA Noire ending

While LA Noire is a fascinating example of technical prowess, thanks to its incredible (albeit flawed) face capturing, there's a lot to be said about the rest of the actual game as well - and most of it isn't as positive.

While the shootouts and chase scenes are exhilarating and will often leave you enraged each and every time you lose your hat, the close of the game leaves a lot to be desired.

People were annoyed that Cole suddenly began an affair that led him down a path seemingly completely out of character, and then was killed off in such an offhand manner that fans were sure it was a ruse at their expense. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case: Cole's funeral took place, and the bad guys effectively escaped without punishment. This leaves the real ending with you switching to Kelso and closing out the leads. It's something that doesn't feel right, and didn't feel all that fair.

Yet you know what, That's Chinatown baby. And I mean this in a very direct sense because while this ending isn't satisfying in Hollywood terms, the game actually does stay very true to Noire storytelling tropes. In these tales, corruption affects even the most pure of heart and often sees the really terrible people get away with their crimes. However, it probably didn't help that Team Bondi were put through the wringer by a renegade creative director, leaving any throughline message to be completely chopped up, resulting in the fractured and confusing experience we got in the end.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.