8 NPCs Who Obliterate You If You Annoy Them Too Much
1. Barkhang Monks - Tomb Raider II
And finally, we have the Barkhang Monks from Tomb Raider II. In the late-game Barkhang Monastery level, said monks are tasked with protecting the monastery from goons sent there by villain Marco Bartoli.
Generally, they'll do a pretty damn good job of cutting the rent-a-cops down to size, but things can quickly get problematic if you decide to stick your oar in - or to be more precise, Lara Croft's Uzis.
Even if you mean well and train your aim at Bartoli's guys, if you miss and end up hitting any of the monks, they'll instantly turn to attack you and won't let up, like, ever - not until every single one of them is dead.
Given that the monks can easily overwhelm and kill Lara in large numbers, and they're a huge help in dispatching Bartoli's mercs, it's certainly a huge mistake to do anything to upset them.
Basically, don't even engage and risk incurring their wrath if they're busy kicking ass and taking names. Just leave them to it and reap the benefits.