8 Popular Video Game Trends That Were Never Built To Last
Nothing screams 'next generation' like poor-quality video.

We've all been there. Just as you're sitting down to enjoy that fresh new copy of a PS4 blockbuster, along comes a massive update that stops you from playing the game you've just forked out on. Best put the kettle on, because this could take a while.
Gaming used to be so much simpler, right?
Wrong. Oh, how wrong. 'Day One' patches may be an issue in today's industry, but the video game market has always had various tropes specific to a certain period of time. Hopefully, such epic 'updates' on release go the same way as trends of the past that were never really built to last in the long run. Unnecessary, expensive DLC, you can beat it too.
Not every trend has been a bad one though, and yet it's still true that most of them disappear over time. That's what happens in an industry that's ever-changing.
Technology is both a blessing for pushing things forward and a curse for getting in the way of cherished memories...