8 Popular Video Games That Fell Apart After Incredible Openings

2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2 Ending
Naughty Dog

Easily the best Uncharted by a country mile - though A Thief's End comes mighty close in spots - the thing that's seldom talked about with Among Thieves is just how far it falls in the third act.

Coming right around the time you realise the ancient Guardians are actually humans (despite their more OTT movement and noises), Nate then descends into the ancient city of Shambhala, only to find that not only are its protectors still alive, but they're - wait for it - a race of superhuman blue n' purple warriors.

O... kay? Did Naughty Dog not learn anything from having the "dead Spaniards are now zombies!" twist from the first game?

Alas, the final nail the believability coffin comes from main villain Lazarevic huffing some ancient tree sap - which turns him invincible, because video games - reducing the final fight into literally running away until he walks close enough to some explosive parts of the environment.

It's testament to just how impeccably written Uncharted is as a franchise, that this game's third act doesn't get raked over the coals more.

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Gaming Editor

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