8 Reasons PS4 Owners Are Jealous Of The Xbox One
1. 2016's Exclusive Lineup Is Going To Dominate
Just breathe this in for a minute...
Gears of War 4, Scalebound, Crackdown 3, Quantum Break, Recore (Keiji Inafune's new game), Halo Wars 2, Rare's Sea of Thieves, Fable Legends. All fantastic games, four of which are brand new IPs by reliable developers that are set to be worth investing in the hardware for.
On the other hand, you only need look at Sony's barebones E3 presentation to get a feel for how out-at-sea they really are.
Final Fantasy VII's remake deal was inked the week beforehand, The Last Guardian showed the same build as seven years ago, and Shenmue 3 was unveiled a Kickstarter that still needed funding to get off the ground.
It's a woeful time for PS4 fanboys right now, and although Horizon: Zero Dawn sure looks promising, one game doesn't hold a candle to the supremely strong lineup Microsoft has assembled so far.
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