8 Reasons Spider-Man PS4 Is Already The Best Spider-Man Game Ever

7. The Focus On Spidey's Gadgets

Spider-Man PS4

Though past Spidey titles have endeavoured to get creative with the character's powers, none have really spotlighted Peter's talents as an inventor first and foremost. That looks set to change with the upcoming PS4 exclusive, and with environmental interaction a key focus, the chance to get extra creative with the wall-crawler's web-shooters should get every gamer's spidey-sense tingling.

Highlighting the web-slingers arsenal also seems to have taken some inspiration from the Arkham titles, which gave the Dark Knight a bevy of different gadgets to try out at various points in the story. And though it's true the developers haven't revealed all of what Spidey will be packing this time around, what they've shown off so far - web-grenades, and a gadget that can throw-off incoming rockets - all looks rather exciting.

The buck won't end there however, and with more devices - web-themed or otherwise - set to be included, this particular Spider-Man could yet boast an arsenal that would make the Caped Crusader himself green with envy.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.