8 Reasons Why I Left My Heart With Rock Band

8. I Can Play Guitar, But I'd Never Be Able To Rock Out Like This...

My skill level with a guitar reached maximum capacity around the age of 17. I accepted it...and I moved on. It just wasn't for me, but that doesn't mean I don't have the desire deep inside my bones to know what it feels like to have thousands of fans cheering you on, as your guitar lights on fire from sheer awesomeness. I do...I do have that desire. Luckily for me, Rock Band helped create the image that I was good enough to be on stage. Guess what though, I knew I wasn't. (Gasp). I'm fully aware that I will never be amazing at guitar, and that is exactly why I can appreciate Rock Band so much. I understand the true difficulty of mastering an instrument, so when I can play a fake one like I'm a master at a real one...well, I'm going to savor it. Even if I could play a real one at the higher standards of the rock gods, I would be standing on stage dripping sweat, screwing up every note, and looking like a picket fence with how still I was. Would you want to watch that? Well, maybe to laugh at me, but at least let me get laughed at from the comfort of my living room and among friends.

7. I'll Never Be A Rockstar, But I Can Certainly Pretend

Face it, many of the people that played Rock Band never had a chance at becoming Rock Stars. Yet, this is what made Rock Band such a fun game. It allowed you to make a total fool of yourself, while clinging to the delusion that you could have actually become a rock star, and secretly hone in on your "epic" stage performance. You could do all of this from the safety of your living room and scrutiny of fellow faux rockers. Heck, why not add some alcohol to the mix and you'll most certainly know what it feels like to have one of your band mates rage quit in the middle of the most important set of your life. All I'm saying is that Steve is no longer in the band, and quite frankly, he made himself look like a bit of a d***. Rock Band, it can really bring out the worst in some people. Click "next" to continue reading...

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