8 Reasons Why Mass Effect’s Story Isn’t As Great As You Think

1. Shepard Has No Arc

Mass Effect 3 Invasion

The hallmark of a character is that they develop over time. They mature and their experiences fundamentally alter who they are at the start of their story. But can we honestly say Shepard grew as a character?

S/he starts out with those Reaper visions. S/he ends up sacrificing their life for the good of the galaxy. But everything in between? It’s water off a Krogan’s back for this Alliance commander. Few quests ever force our hero to re-evaluate their preconceptions. Suicide missions that see your crew decimated are almost shrugged off as inconsequential after a little dialogue. Even being resurrected from death doesn’t really change who he is at heart – once Shepard’s out in the field it’s business as usual.

Shepard makes a vast impact the world around him, but the world never really impacts on him. Or her. You get the point.


Word-wrangler and video gamer on the rocks. Once completed the original Resident Evil in 1 hour 4 minutes. Prefers Irish coffee over any other kind. Former movie trailer writer, now rehabilitated. Wrote the viral videos for the movie Watchmen. Likes sarcasm, cynicism, smoking and you.