8 Scariest Video Game Moments That Made You Turn The Console Off

3. Alien: Isolation - First Encounter

Fear Alma

You’ve already been thoroughly spooked enough fending off androids and hostile humans that by the time the actual alien shows its ugly face, all your fears swiftly overwhelm you.

The giant, practically deserted halls of the Sevastopol space station tell the tale of its demise, and you’ve got a good few hours of exploring to let the tension build nicely.

Just as you are starting to think the game is scary enough, you will eventually experience your first encounter with the xenomorph. Its exact placement in the game differs from player to player, depending on how stealthy you manage to stay as you explore the rooms.

When you finally encounter the alien up close and personal for yourself, it’s exactly the experience that you’ve been expecting all this time. Ever since we saw it attack and kill that scientist behind the glass, we have been wondering when our turn will come.

Boasting an adaptive artificial intelligence with the ability to learn from its prey, the alien will track and kill us time and time again, terrifying us each and every time.

There’s nothing quite like looking into the jaws of death for the first time, and depending how much this moment shocked you, maybe it was also the last time.

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Video Editor and recent addition to the madness of the Gaming team, when she's not chatting about games, thinking about games, or playing games, she's streaming them on twitch. Tweet her pictures of dogs @DontRachQuit