8 Secret Video Game Enemies You Must Find

5. Vampire - Red Dead Redemption 2

Morgan Freeman South Park Fractured But Whole

Red Dead Redemption 2's absolutely mammoth 60+ hour playtime has plenty of secrets sewn throughout, and with its release coming only within the past month, most of them are yet to be discovered. It's a beautiful, hard look at the difficulties of living on the frontier, America's unforgiving heartland taking at every opportunity it gets.

As such, the game is deeply rooted in realistic endeavours - you have to eat to keep your health and stamina strong, you have to brush your horse and wash your damn face - apart form a couple of standout moments.

And one such moment is a bloody creature of the night feasting on the residents of Saint Denis.

That's right, in this tale of hardship in the wild west, Rockstar have gone full Dusk 'til Dawn and dropped a vampire in the middle of it. All you need to do to spark the questline is find the five instances of graffiti around the town and it's yours for the taking. It's a bizarre little takeaway that offers something more fun than your average bar brawl: just make sure you're loaded up on garlicky items and you'll be good to go. Or at least, you'd hope...


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.