8 Secret Video Game Enemies You Must Find
3. The Ebony Warrior - Skyrim

Skyrim as a whole has a whole load of interesting enemies to stick your sword in throughout the lands of the north. Whether it's massive dragons, draugr, or giant spiders, there's plenty of magical creatures to happily kill off in the name of fun. There's also a handful of extra special ones just asking for a fight, from the ghost of Karstaag the front giant to the Reaper himself, and the Ebony Warrior from the Dragonborn DLC is one of them.
Dressed up in his finest ebony and out to meet his end in an attempt to get to Sovngarde, the warrior will find you out once you hit level 80 - because he's nothing if not fair. Of course, a guy you need to be this levelled up for is going to be a hard fight, and is arguably the hardest one in the entire game - especially when you take into account that he's absolutely dripping in enchantments and magical armour, as well as a life-sucking sword that makes everything that much more of a terrible, terrible grind.
It's all worth it when you loot his corpse and take it all for your own though. It's only fair.