8 Seemingly Forgotten Video Games That Need To Be Revived

6. Streets Of Rage

Last Release - Streets Of Rage 3 (1994) The side-scrolling beat 'em up was once one of gaming's most popular genres, as the likes of Final Fight and Double Dragon captured the attention of audiences worldwide. Sega's Streets Of Rage was a fairly late addition to the party, not debuting until 1991 on the Mega Drive, but it is often considered to be the best of the bunch, with 1993's Streets Of Rage 2 standing out in particular for its fast-paced action. Ultimately, however, the genre gave away ground to one-on-one fighting games such as Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Tekken as the nineties went on, to the extent where the side-scroller became an all-but-extinct relic by the time the Millennium rolled around. In 2010, a throwback game in the vein of the classics (complete with old school graphics) themed around the graphic novel series Scott Pilgrim (and its film adaptation) reminded us all just how fun the genre could be, as players were tasked with tackling increasingly difficult waves of enemies once again. Fast forward to five years later and two of three entries in the Streets Of Rage trilogy made their way to the Nintendo 3DS, enabling them to be enjoyed by a new generation. The handheld is a more than viable medium for any future revival for Axel and company, given that it remains largely untapped by the one-on-one fighting games that prefer to call consoles their home.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.