8 Shocking Video Game Moments When You Realised You Were The Bad Guy

1. Undertale

undertale game toriel
Toby Fox

Undertale, on the surface, is one of the most charming, upbeat games ever made. From its colourful sprites to its array of characters who are only ever one line removed from a knock knock joke, the game's underworld, full of weird creatures and monsters, is a bloody joy to spend time in.

That only makes it even harsher when it turns out that you've been the villain the whole time though, murdering these lovable rogues when you totally didn't need to. Every combat encounter can end in you sparing the enemy, but unless you know that in advance you're almost guaranteed to lose your cool and kill one of these monsters.

And why wouldn't you? The game rewards you with LOVE (health) and EXP so, like most releases, the more you kill the stronger you get.

However, it turns out EXP is actually "execution points" which chart only how much of a bastard you've been and don't provide any in-game buffs, while LOVE stands for "level of violence". In world full of monsters, the only villain is you.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3