8 Strangest Things Ever Won At A Video Game Event

7. A Literal Ton Of Pennies - Blast Corps

Blast Corps Pennies
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Blast Corps is such a brilliant game. An incredibly simple premise of “The nuclear bus that couldn’t slow down” combined with property destruction will always get a smile from me, and the memories I have of sharing a couch with mates playing it very fond, and very explosive.

The assortment of vehicles that you can control is absolutely mindblowing, seeing you take the wheel of massive trucks, ballistic scooters and even bipedal robots, as you clear the path for the radioactive transport that’s going to come careering through at any moment.

What makes this arcade brilliance even better was a competition run in Nintendo Power Issue Number 97 for the game, which gave readers the chance to win not only a copy of Blast Corps, but also a literal ton of pennies. The small print stated that this would have a value of $3,628.77, which hey, is not a bad prize at all. Even better, you could also get a cheque instead of the actual pennies.

Though it would have been a hassle sifting through all that shrapnel, it would've allowed you to indulge in your deepest Scrooge McDuck fantasies. The relevance to Blast Corps was unclear.


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