8 Terrifying Facts & Predictions About The Future Of Gaming

2. Fact: Mobile Gaming Gets Bigger Than Ever

Diablo Immortal

All the microtransactions, recurrent spending and siphoned off DLC approaches to games? Yeah... they largely came from the mobile space, as once publishers realised you could monetise the ENTIRE process of playing through something, each subsequent product has been hacked and sliced into as many pieces as possible.

It's a very tricky, fundamentally anti-consumer balance to get right, with the latest example being Games as a Service, however, mobile games as the focus from big-tier publishers is yet to fully make its way to the West.

See, over in China and Japan, mobile gaming is far more accepted for your average gamer. For over a decade the infrastructure of Japan and China in terms of internet access and signal strength is far more stable than the west, and that's led to many easterners watching TV on their phones, on the go, far more often than on a larger screen.

All of which is to say, mobile gaming is taken far more seriously in these regions than the running joke it is in the west, and the numbers for potential customers are sky-high.

Already we've seen Fortnite and PUBG release feature-complete mobile editions that have gone down a storm, and it's a mentality Activision/Blizzard are getting in on with Diablo: Immortal.

While Pokémon GO showed the power of a mobile game done right, expect to see a LOT more triple-A mobile games in the future.

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WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.