8 Terrifying Monsters Hiding In Open World Video Games

4. A Clicker - Dying Light

dying light clicker

Okay, nowhere NEAR enough praise gets thrown Dying Light's way for its depiction of Infected zombies. Yes, the first-person parkour, yes the slick animations, chunky combat and awesome vertical world made it an instant classic, but having enemy aggression shift on a dime once the sun goes down is a stroke of genius, and something I wish way more teams would take note of.

Anyway, amongst this smorgasbord of moans and leaps is one hell of an easter egg that doubles as pure nightmare fuel, as it appears from nowhere.

None other than a Clicker straight from The Last of Us is hiding in the game's Town Hall, though you can only trigger it by activating side quest The Bunker. A transformation from a regular enemy after you've fought your way through most of the level, this is the closest Dying Light gets to all-out body horror alongside more formidable AI that swarm you everywhere else.

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