8 Terrifying Monsters Hiding In Open World Video Games

1. Spider Hand - Elden Ring

elden ring spider hand

Okay, F**K these things.

Elden Ring is home to a great many disgusting creatures, and from goats that roll away from you to whatever that weird giant muscle-with-a-face that lives in the cave past Radahn is, all sorts of random gross-out stuff too.

However, nothing I've encountered in my 40 hours of game time so far has come close to the sheer skin-crawling nature of the "Spider Hands". Located in Caria Manor to the initial North West of the map before that thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger, you'll first see these tarantula-aping finger demons hanging on the walls.

"No problem" you think, exploring the ground instead. "They stay up there, I'll stay down here".

Well... that's not the case. Besides smaller spiders chasing you and some larger ones darted about the place, Spider Hands actually bury themselves in the ground and pretend to be regular items.

Pick the item up without scanning for exposed fingertips alongside and the whole palm of this thing will grab and likely kill you in one animation.



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