8 Things You Need To Know Before Buying No Man's Sky

7. There Is NO Multiplayer, Especially Not How You Think

No Mans Sky 4k Geforce Com Pc Screenshot 00
Hello Games

So on launch day, when the servers were more stressed out than Donald Trump's PR team, two players somehow managed to find each other amongst the game's 18 quintillion planets, and... nothing happened.

This comes after months of interview snippets where Sean Murray publicly stated that players would be able to meet up with one another, as seen in the below video:

Regardless, 'multiplayer' as many are imagining would be routed in exploring together, battling the mechanical Sentinels together, and dogfighting in the skies together. No Man's Sky is most definitely NOT that, as Murray has tweeted that interactions are more to be thought of as "easter eggs so people know they are playing in the same universe", and ONE DAY BEFORE LAUNCH, he even tweeted this below message for clarification:

Sean Murray no man's sky

It's pretty damning that such a clarification was sent out SO close to launch - after pre-orders and only on one social media platform - as it really should have been broadcast to the world from the get-go.

No Man's Sky is not a multiplayer game, and never was.

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No Man's Sky
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